
For anyone who has ever faced adversity—be it abuse, poverty, loneliness, or grief—this book offers hope. Storytelling her way through the grief of losing her parents, the author delves deep into her hurts and memories. Eulogies Unspoken: Stories of Worth explores many aspects of grief, unscripted and raw with emotions. Follow the author as she spiritually wavers and seeks to find comfort on her journey. Come celebrate with her as she uncovers family treasures that have been tucked away. Ultimately, she comes to realize her mother’s faith in God is a true testimony worthy to be shared


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For anyone who has floundered through the stages of grief or for anyone who has lovingly served as a caregiver, this book offers solace or reassurance. Follow author Cindy McIntyre as she is caught in a struggle—seeking a balance in her personal and professional life—and thrusted into a sudden reversal in her life’s role, a shifting from child to parent.

In the wake of pain, after her mother’s passing, the author begins an eighteen-year journey as a caregiver to her father. In Caring for Dad: With Love and Tomatoes, she utilizes storytelling to share inner thoughts, prayers, poetry, and laughter. Join the author in exploring the calamities and triumphs she experienced with her dad. Ultimately, she learns that caregiving is many things: soul-crushing closeness, courageousness, and an all-consuming commitment. Every aspect caregiving offered her, the highs and the lows, was well worth the effort. God had provided her a privileged blessing—the ability to give love to another unconditionally.


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Cindy McIntyre

Cindy McIntyre